These emails paint a picture of a Twitter corporation at war with itself, much less conservatives.
The Biden laptop affair was the result of a spinal-reflex-protect-the-DNC call from people in Trust and Safety, with Vijaya Gadde going to bat for them after the fact - and never once bothering Jack with the fact that Twitter had stumbled into becoming a fully-paid-up propaganda arm of the DNC.
I mean, given Gadde's personal history that probably wasn't much of a step for her, but it was something of an over-reach for her to commit the entire resource of Twitter to pursuing her own political preferences.
I'm not entirely surprised. The Social Justice Racket's take-over of corporations is always hostile. Jack could have shown resistance, but he was too weak of a man to stand up to it, and they preferred keeping him from challenging the platform.
it was something of an over-reach for her to commit the entire resource of Twitter to pursuing her own political preferences.
That is the only purpose of corporations to a Fabian Socialist.
I don't know which state bars she's been admitted to but I eagerly await the announcement that she's being disciplined for assisting her client in an performing an illegal act violating Americans' civil rights.
Don't be retarded. The state bar associations are the fucking of hive centers of the Social Justice Racket in law. Why do you think they keep trying to sanction and disbar anyone working with Donald Trump?
These emails paint a picture of a Twitter corporation at war with itself, much less conservatives.
The Biden laptop affair was the result of a spinal-reflex-protect-the-DNC call from people in Trust and Safety, with Vijaya Gadde going to bat for them after the fact - and never once bothering Jack with the fact that Twitter had stumbled into becoming a fully-paid-up propaganda arm of the DNC.
I mean, given Gadde's personal history that probably wasn't much of a step for her, but it was something of an over-reach for her to commit the entire resource of Twitter to pursuing her own political preferences.
I'm not entirely surprised. The Social Justice Racket's take-over of corporations is always hostile. Jack could have shown resistance, but he was too weak of a man to stand up to it, and they preferred keeping him from challenging the platform.
That is the only purpose of corporations to a Fabian Socialist.
She 100% knew.
Don't be retarded. The state bar associations are the fucking of hive centers of the Social Justice Racket in law. Why do you think they keep trying to sanction and disbar anyone working with Donald Trump?