This is sort of a follow up to this post in case anyone is interested in a little backstory.
As I've posted before I'm in a STEM master's program. The content of the program has been free of woke bullshit, although some of the professors are clearly soy sucking faggots. So far the worst they've done is host readings for some race communist's book at the department level, although that was clearly pushed by the university. They also advertised some soy boy event that the sociology department held on masculinity.
Now the cancer has spread to my department. They formed a DIE committee and they're doing shit like sending out surveys for retards to lie on and planning DIE trainings. One question asks how likely people are to attend the DIE trainings, and the least likely option that was available was "only if they're mandatory". That sounds like a coded threat to me, albeit an impotent one. Those fags can't make me attend anything. Considering how late in the semester this started I figured that the nonsense would pick up in January. It still seems that the worst of it will start in earnest next semester but they couldn't help but start the faggot convention early. They're holding a social event during the last week of class. The event will be held right after one of the classes that a significant portion of my program taking in the same room the class meets. I'm sure that's completely coincidental and totally not an underhanded way to pressure people into participating.
The worst part is that my advisor is the head of this clown show. His political views have always been kind of an enigma to me because some signs point in sane directions and other signs point in commie directions. It's possible that he thinks DIE is only about reasonable stuff like disability accommodations, but that's probably a naive take considering the leading role he's taking in the bullshit. Oh well. The dude is useful to me so I'll just have to do my best to steer clear of the radioactive minefield that he insists on playing in.
Here's how I beat our DIE initiative
Besides that, and I'm serious about this suggestion, you could volunteer to staff it.
You'd basically be a fifth column, and you'd have to know how to utterly subvert the system (besides losing surveys and things). Like celebrating American heritage, and rebuking equality as a threat to diversity.
I've been out of college a while. Wokeness was barely there compared to what we have now. My work gets a bit of it. I do my part to cultivate a general antagonism toward upper leadership so that when they start pushing out woke shit, everyone just views it as stupid bullshit that wastes time. I doubt this will work at college, though, unfortunately.
There's some antagonism towards the less student oriented professors but the head of the committee is actually really popular because he gives a shit about the students. That's part of the reason I have a hard time deciphering his beliefs. He supports all students, not just the "diverse" ones, which is I can't completely discard the possibility that he's being conned into this as naive as that sounds.