It is natural and good for any lifeform to have in group preference. It's a genetically learned mindset that promotes the self, their family, their community, their people, and their species above others, for the purposes of survival. It's the idea that "those like me are more likely to protect and help me, thus I will protect and help them". It's acknowledgment that we can survive and do more together than we can apart. Nature shows us life constantly wars with itself, to compete for dominance, resources, and location. Any lifeform that is brainwashed to display an out group preference, or even not care about their own, is doomed to extinction.
This lines up perfectly with the Kalergi plan, with what the globalists have talked about, with what they want to do to White people, for over 100 years. They want to replace and genocide us in our own countries. We're currently experiencing that, as White populations dwindle everywhere in the West. Globalists, through their hegemonic power in schools, colleges, teaching curriculums, books, the news, Hollywood, social media, governments, banks, porn, music, etc., are brainwashing White people to feel guilty for things we and our ancestors haven't done, convince us to have an out group preference, to hate ourselves, to love the other, to welcome our own genocide, and brainwash non-whites to hate us. Globalists push propaganda in schools, movies, TV shows, music, books, social media, porn, and government. Globalists fund and run NGOs to funnel non-whites into White countries en masse. Globalists infiltrate every aspect of our societies, corrupt it, and push their propaganda and degeneracy. They even infiltrate our own governments and pass things like the immigration act of 1965, to reduce the White population of the U.S., hate crime laws only ever used against White people, discriminate against White people in our own countries, use our own tax money to fund welfare mostly used by non-whites, our own police and judicial bodies are being used to defend criminal non-whites and attack innocent Whites, they fund "studies" in science to push poisons on us through our food and medicine, to keep us fat and sick, push miscegenation and anti-White hatred in every outlet they control, open our borders to non-white invasion, and keep us pacified with false choice political parties (Republicans), and bread and circuses.
In every conceivable way that we could be attacked and weakened, we are. Globalists lie about everything. Many people, even on the right, who know full well how much the people in power are liars, still make the critical mistake of trusting them. If the globalists have lied to us about everything else, why wouldn't they lie to us about history?
It is natural and good for any lifeform to have in group preference. It's a genetically learned mindset that promotes the self, their family, their community, their people, and their species above others, for the purposes of survival. It's the idea that "those like me are more likely to protect and help me, thus I will protect and help them". It's acknowledgment that we can survive and do more together than we can apart. Nature shows us life constantly wars with itself, to compete for dominance, resources, and location. Any lifeform that is brainwashed to display an out group preference, or even not care about their own, is doomed to extinction.
This lines up perfectly with the Kalergi plan, with what the globalists have talked about, with what they want to do to White people, for over 100 years. They want to replace and genocide us in our own countries. We're currently experiencing that, as White populations dwindle everywhere in the West. Globalists, through their hegemonic power in schools, colleges, teaching curriculums, books, the news, Hollywood, social media, governments, banks, porn, music, etc., are brainwashing White people to feel guilty for things we and our ancestors haven't done, convince us to have an out group preference, to hate ourselves, to love the other, to welcome our own genocide, and brainwash non-whites to hate us. Globalists push propaganda in schools, movies, TV shows, music, books, social media, porn, and government. Globalists fund and run NGOs to funnel non-whites into White countries en masse. Globalists infiltrate every aspect of our societies, corrupt it, and push their propaganda and degeneracy. They even infiltrate our own governments and pass things like the immigration act of 1965, to reduce the White population of the U.S., hate crime laws only ever used against White people, discriminate against White people in our own countries, use our own tax money to fund welfare mostly used by non-whites, our own police and judicial bodies are being used to defend criminal non-whites and attack innocent Whites, they fund "studies" in science to push poisons on us through our food and medicine, to keep us fat and sick, push miscegenation and anti-White hatred in every outlet they control, open our borders to non-white invasion, and keep us pacified with false choice political parties (Republicans), and bread and circuses.
In every conceivable way that we could be attacked and weakened, we are. Globalists lie about everything. Many people, even on the right, who know full well how much the people in power are liars, still make the critical mistake of trusting them. If the globalists have lied to us about everything else, why wouldn't they lie to us about history?