Nobody has got what they deserve. Fauci hasn't been marched in front of a firing squad, and the corporations and governments who threatened people into getting vaccinated with a faulty product aren't hanging from gibbets.
Well according to this document all we require now are harsh words, and Fauci should have faced the wall a long time ago.
There's been this real effort to keep this whole thing under wraps and memory hole it. It'd be in our best interest to never let it go until something like that actually boils over, because now we know. There is a reason they are eager to ascribe ostracization labels upon anyone who brings it up and their defense is now paper thin to where even normies can see they're full of shit. Save everything.
Nobody has got what they deserve. Fauci hasn't been marched in front of a firing squad, and the corporations and governments who threatened people into getting vaccinated with a faulty product aren't hanging from gibbets.
Well according to this document all we require now are harsh words, and Fauci should have faced the wall a long time ago.
There's been this real effort to keep this whole thing under wraps and memory hole it. It'd be in our best interest to never let it go until something like that actually boils over, because now we know. There is a reason they are eager to ascribe ostracization labels upon anyone who brings it up and their defense is now paper thin to where even normies can see they're full of shit. Save everything.