In reality, Elon isn't exactly "our guy", he just need political protection from the right, and the online dissident movement can be very useful in helping to foster that within the populist movement. Except for Peter Thiel (who is literally pushing for dissident right conventions), he's the wealthiest ally anyone on the populist movement has that isn't named Trump.
It feels bizarre seeing a billionaire that actually understands some of our views.
I know, I know, you all are gonna go BUT WHAT ABOUT ((( THEM ))) - one at a time boys. One at a time.
Ignore Stormfags, they are a 5th column.
In reality, Elon isn't exactly "our guy", he just need political protection from the right, and the online dissident movement can be very useful in helping to foster that within the populist movement. Except for Peter Thiel (who is literally pushing for dissident right conventions), he's the wealthiest ally anyone on the populist movement has that isn't named Trump.