Mastodon is older, inefficient software for ActivityPub federated microblogging. There are better alternatives.
Do you want salt ?
Join ActivityPub federated microblogging now and, as a time limited offer, you can troll new Twitter snowflakes who migrated there! Search for tags #TwitterRefugee #TwitterMigration Offer lasts until former Twitter users have ragequit or have fled from being triggered.
Mastodon is older, inefficient software for ActivityPub federated microblogging. There are better alternatives.
Do you want salt ?
Join ActivityPub federated microblogging now and, as a time limited offer, you can troll new Twitter snowflakes who migrated there! Search for tags
#TwitterRefugee #TwitterMigration
Offer lasts until former Twitter users have ragequit or have fled from being triggered.
Save me some time here, is it structured like Mastodon was? I couldn't stand the interface or layout of Mastodon.
There are different softwares with different UIs. Some, you can customize the UI. Main ones already released are