This is what always happens when someone challenges existing "scientific" paradigms--the reaction is like some bizarre robot flailing and screeching, throwing every possible insult at the heretic.
It's because autistic assholes spend their entire professional lives gathering "data" to confirm their dogma, their prefabricated, hand-me-down conclusions, and when some wiseacre comes along and casts doubt on their entire academic output . . . they get a might defensive.
Good for Hancock! He operates outside the university so he is immune to their pitiful attempts at character assassination. He's an author who sells well, he's an entertaining raconteur and makes his arguments very soundly, and most important, he is popular as hell after his several appearances on Rogan's podcast, and he has a gigantic market for his arguments, one untainted by the Church of Academic Science.
It is another symptom of the death of the university as repository of information and gatekeeper of "science." We all know who killed it, who continues to poison everything created and released from these ideological mills of totalitarian conformity..
Their days are numbered. This hysteria is a symptom of their death agony.
This is what always happens when someone challenges existing "scientific" paradigms--the reaction is like some bizarre robot flailing and screeching, throwing every possible insult at the heretic.
It's because autistic assholes spend their entire professional lives gathering "data" to confirm their dogma, their prefabricated, hand-me-down conclusions, and when some wiseacre comes along and casts doubt on their entire academic output . . . they get a might defensive.
Good for Hancock! He operates outside the university so he is immune to their pitiful attempts at character assassination. He's an author who sells well, he's an entertaining raconteur and makes his arguments very soundly, and most important, he is popular as hell after his several appearances on Rogan's podcast, and he has a gigantic market for his arguments, one untainted by the Church of Academic Science.
It is another symptom of the death of the university as repository of information and gatekeeper of "science." We all know who killed it, who continues to poison everything created and released from these ideological mills of totalitarian conformity..
Their days are numbered. This hysteria is a symptom of their death agony.