Welp, Orange Man Bad has announced his run for 2024
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Was anyone really expecting otherwise? Let's just hope he chooses a better running mate this time.
I was hoping he wouldn't, but his ego just won't let him stop.
Trump is too arrogant and out of touch with reality to realize that he has no chance of winning the Presidency again.
No Republican has a good chance nowadays without actually playing the Dem's game and utilizing early voting and mail in ballot harvesting.
I saw his whole speech and it was actually "low energy".
He espoused good policy positions on the border and I loved the part about restoring the jobs of federal employees who were fired for not taking the COVID vax + backpay for them.
Horrifically he still foolishly defends the lockdowns and says they were necessary to save lives.
Lockdown Don as An0maly calls him.
Trump played the old hits of Drain the swamp. He proposed a constitutional amendment for term limits on Congress and banning insider stock trading for members of Congress along with a lifetime lobbying ban for former members of Congress.
Those are great positions but they are never going to happen.
In terms of election integrity, he stated that all elections should be decided on election night and only use paper ballots and mandatory voter id.
That is fine but the how are you going to achieve it without winning under this current corrupt system?
The craziest part is when he praised fucking China for executing drug dealers and suggested we copy them.
Why the fuck would you give them this soundbite of "a quick trial and execute them that night."?
Only good news is that this speech gives me hope that Trump is beatable in a primary. This is not the Chad Trump of 2016 that I was cheering for.
This Trump actually looked pathetic when he complained openly that he is a victim. Yes the glowies targeted him unfairly but saying it out loud makes him look pathetic.
My only hope for any meager chance of a general election victory is that Ron DeSantis runs against him, uses Trump's covid failures against him, wins the first few early primaries and secures the nomination using the early momentum.
Desantis would then need to focus on building a strong swing state ballot harvesting operation to just have a decent shot of victory.
Good news is that Iowa and NH will be terrible states for Trump in the primary process.
Buckle up, the 2024 clown parade has started.
One thing I do admire about him is his stick-to-itiveness. He's been persecuted, prosecuted, silenced, sued, investigated, raided, then decided "ok fuck that I'm going in." That's some moxy right there.
I'd just rather see some fresher candidates with less baggage. I like Kari Lake, Kevin Kiley in California just got elected to the House, I'm still a fan of Larry Elder who has a great presence. With Trump all you get is more Trump.
No thanks on Larry Elder ever running for President.
I think he is a good guy and he is great on policy but the California recall was completely botched once he entered and he made it into a choice between him and Newsom vs just a referendum on Newsom.
I have met Kiley at a local event years ago in California and I think he will do a great job as a Congressman. In the future we will see how far he grows.
Kari Lake would have been a superstar contender for the presidency but the recent Hobbs steal unfortunately has lowered her standing substantially amongst certain members of the conservative base. Some dumb normiecons I know are actually saying she was a bad candidate and that is why she lost. Will be tough for her to run for President before she wins an actual statewide race.
Right now the only viable alternative to Trump for 2024 is Ron DeSantis. A 19 point victory in Florida is the happiest thing for me out of these midterms.
Youngkin has lost points in my book after he sent a hand written apology note to Pelosi after making a light comment about her husband.
We can choose between Orange Man or Florida Man in 2024.
I will take Florida Man anyday.