I disagree. It's a social contagion that was started when leftists brought trans-sexuality under the "persecuted minority" umbrella, making it attractive to young people, especially girls, who thrive on social acceptance and strokes, who need that to feel as if they exist at all. Claiming to be a tranny confers automatic status on people otherwise anonymous and invisible like anyone else. They bypass the usual ways of gaining social recognition through accomplishment or success by joining the ranks of the persecuted. I don't think it's a mere coincidence that the explosion of the number of young people declaring themselves homo or trans coincides with the rise of social media, especially the horrorshows of TikTok and OnlyFans.
It's part of a larger social pathology created by neo-Marxist identity politics: the more we rail against the horror and insanity of this growing contagion the more validated they are in their persecution and the more demands they feel justified to make.
All you need to do to become a culture hero is either claim "alliance" or--to get the highest value of validation--take the plunge and go full tranny.
I disagree. It's a social contagion that was started when leftists brought trans-sexuality under the "persecuted minority" umbrella, making it attractive to young people, especially girls, who thrive on social acceptance and strokes, who need that to feel as if they exist at all. Claiming to be a tranny confers automatic status on people otherwise anonymous and invisible like anyone else. They bypass the usual ways of gaining social recognition through accomplishment or success by joining the ranks of the persecuted. I don't think it's a mere coincidence that the explosion of the number of young people declaring themselves homo or trans coincides with the rise of social media, especially the horrorshows of TikTok and OnlyFans.
It's part of a larger social pathology created by neo-Marxist identity politics: the more we rail against the horror and insanity of this growing contagion the more validated they are in their persecution and the more demands they feel justified to make.
All you need to do to become a culture hero is either claim "alliance" or--to get the highest value of validation--take the plunge and go full tranny.