Because you always research who you vote for.
Here's the synopsis for a local Democrat for mostly irrelevant local position (think of it like, local village official dog-walker or some shit):
Former US military (infantry officer), no obvious Leftist endorsements, many years spent as a Judo athlete, private practice attorney, no significant political experience, adequate physiognomy, official Democrat Party information page made no appeals to Culture War topics, or even really any significant political topics at all. (I live in a pretty red area)
Here's the quote for the local Republican for the same position:
Promoted diversity training for [government strata] employees
He's a multi-year incumbent. Has been either an attorney or a politician for the past 30 years. Poor physiognomy.
Just because there is an R in their name doesn't mean they aren't supporting DIE in the government.
Complete non sequitur. You're making paranoid claims about people you know literally nothing about except party affiliation. Take a deep breath.
The evangelical asks "Why don't you think God is real?" Every answer you give reflects the insurmountable standard of proof they expect. Fossil evidence? "That's how God works." Astronomy? "The heavens don't mean literally up." Plate tectonics? Carbon dating? Evolution? Chemistry? "The Lord works in mysterious ways."
Return the favor and ask "Why do you think God is real?" and the standard of evidence suddenly drops to zero. "The banana fits in the hand perfectly!" It's Reddit tier thinking along the lines of citing "correlation is not causation" as a magic ticket out of having to consider any connection whatsoever.
Aim higher.