I used to pretend to be all kinds of things as a kid. Thankfully my parents explained the difference between pretend and reality. Imagine if someone had told her that no matter what she calls herself she is still a woman. The arrogance to demand people treat your delusions as objective fact is disturbing. Although I’d say the non binary crap is more about being trendy and since being a victim is the highest honor this is an easy way to get that status
I used to pretend to be all kinds of things as a kid. Thankfully my parents explained the difference between pretend and reality. Imagine if someone had told her that no matter what she calls herself she is still a woman. The arrogance to demand people treat your delusions as objective fact is disturbing. Although I’d say the non binary crap is more about being trendy and since being a victim is the highest honor this is an easy way to get that status