Blocking traffic as a protest tactic should work for about 20 minutes- just as long as it takes a massive police unit to descend on you, crack your skulls, and throw you in the back of a paddy wagon. If you bring cars or other barricades they should just bulldoze that shit into the shoulder. Then charge everyone with one count of kidnapping for every car that they trapped on the freeway doing this shit.
Whatever your cause is, if you start fucking with me you've made me your enemy.
Blocking traffic as a protest tactic should work for about 20 minutes- just as long as it takes a massive police unit to descend on you, crack your skulls, and throw you in the back of a paddy wagon. If you bring cars or other barricades they should just bulldoze that shit into the shoulder. Then charge everyone with one count of kidnapping for every car that they trapped on the freeway doing this shit.
Whatever your cause is, if you start fucking with me you've made me your enemy.