GIRL, GONE: A "Trans Teen" Was Removed From Her Parent's Care. Then She Was Sexually Abused. - Reduxx
Michele and Roger Blair first reported the disappearance of their teen daughter, Sage Lily Blair, to the Appomattox, Virginia Sheriff’s Office on August 25, 2021. Sage, 14 years old at the time, had run away from home after experiencing intense bullying at...
I'm pretty sure that the first thing you'll do when we get perfect AI is to ask for lesbian porn of Valerie Solanas and Sally Gearhart.
How autistic are you? Do you not even recognize the past tense? I remember when you were crowing about how you got your SILVER BULLET because your love interest wrote something about it, and everyone laughed at you as usual.
I don't need to read minds. It is not talked about. It is your fevered imagination as usual.
I'm going to go throw up after posting this.
Yes, because stormcucks showed up to talk about Hirschfeld. As I've said a million times, my downvote total is irrelevant.
Remember when someone posted women-only Bohemian Grove existed? Even I was shocked by that. You can't dismiss things just because they sound implausible, if they fit the events happening.
They're not exactly wrong though, are they? They're wrong to blame it on the fact that he was a Jew, but definitely not that he's a bad guy (as you admit), or that he long predates your lesbian love interest.
Now, considering your record of predicting 90% death rate from the vaccine, mandatory AstraZeneca, a male curfew, your 7 predictions about Kim Potter, do you think you err on the side of believing too much crazy stuff, or too little?
Intersex people are not healthy to start with. That rules out Money and Hirschfeld as the origin.
CDC are forcing the jab on little boys soon. Too early to say I'm wrong about it being a weapon against males. Far too early.
Oh right, I remember you claiming that your river was 'intersex' without evidence.
IT'S ONLY A FLESHWOUND. Regardless, I asked you a question. Given your record of awful predictions, do you think you err on the side of believing too much or too little crazy?