The prequels are a "last hurrah" for a kind of moviemaking that died with the 80s. Where the director had this grand fantasy vision and did as much weird and cool stuff as possible on his budget and left it to the editing room nerds to put together a comprehensive movie out of it.
Sword and Sorcerer, Spacehunter Adventures in the Forbidden Zone, Boy and his Dog, Krull, Beastmaster, Ice Pirates etc.
Except with an effectively unlimited budget and nobody willing to rein in the "legendary" director you lost a lot of the creativity and innovation that comes from making something visionary work out of constrained resources.
The prequels are a "last hurrah" for a kind of moviemaking that died with the 80s. Where the director had this grand fantasy vision and did as much weird and cool stuff as possible on his budget and left it to the editing room nerds to put together a comprehensive movie out of it.
Sword and Sorcerer, Spacehunter Adventures in the Forbidden Zone, Boy and his Dog, Krull, Beastmaster, Ice Pirates etc.
Except with an effectively unlimited budget and nobody willing to rein in the "legendary" director you lost a lot of the creativity and innovation that comes from making something visionary work out of constrained resources.