Until conservatives are willing to tribe up and start treating non-conservatives as their sworn enemies, we will continue to lose. Not only should conservatives cover everything with a conservative lens, we should censor non-conservatives and indoctrinate the children of non-conservatives to be conservative. We should also change the laws around to benefit conservatives at the cost of non-conservatives.
Until conservatives are willing to tribe up and start treating non-conservatives as their sworn enemies, we will continue to lose. Not only should conservatives cover everything with a conservative lens, we should censor non-conservatives and indoctrinate the children of non-conservatives to be conservative. We should also change the laws around to benefit conservatives at the cost of non-conservatives.
If white people bloc voted based on ethnicity the way black people do in the US, we would already have a Mars colony and warp drive.
Too bad. It’s the only way we’re going to survive.
My guy, are you a five year old? Just say it feels wrong, using childish language is silly.