Asshole Republicans were too busy the last fifty years worrying about their fucking bank accounts and ignoring the Marxification of education, rationalizing that it was isolated in college critical studies courses. Now it's too late. The "long march" is complete and we're in a situation where we need to create and promote widely-accessible alternatives to public education while we attempt to dismantle Frankenstein's Monster.
The latest from Lindsay at New Discourses on Paolo Friere tells the complete story. I recommend it highly, if you don't mind swallowing a huge black pill.
Asshole Republicans were too busy the last fifty years worrying about their fucking bank accounts and ignoring the Marxification of education, rationalizing that it was isolated in college critical studies courses. Now it's too late. The "long march" is complete and we're in a situation where we need to create and promote widely-accessible alternatives to public education while we attempt to dismantle Frankenstein's Monster.
The latest from Lindsay at New Discourses on Paolo Friere tells the complete story. I recommend it highly, if you don't mind swallowing a huge black pill.
Been meaning to check that out.