posted ago by GeneralBoobs ago by GeneralBoobs +18 / -0

Reading an article on the recent discoveries in human evolution. Was suspicious since the title was clickbaity: Six Recent Discoveries That Have Changed How We Think About Human Origins on some site called Singularity Hub, which seems like idiots trying to repeat science facts but they have an error in their press and it keeps putting woke ideology in their print.

There were many small examples, but the most egregious was this:

It correctly identifies that there were other species. But it gets the dates wrong and uses that to push climate bullshit, especially as the reason for their extinction. This is sloppy and an example of woke bias.

They did get a small fact wrong about which species is extinct, but most people don't realize NONE of the previous species of humanity are alive today, especially Homo Sapiens.

Many of the older forms of humanity were around as recent as 36k years ago, that we have evidence of. There may have been more recent, but we have no evidence, mainly due to the natural raising of sea levels as climates naturally shifts.

The article tried stating that the date of this extinction was 42k years ago and all went extinct due to climate change. Except, every form of humanity but the modern hybrid, Homo Sapiens Sapiens, went extinct at various times. None of those dates are definite, none of those dates are remotely near 40,000 BCE.

What is interesting, the author covered hybrids as part of modern human's genetic evolution, except, they forget that we are hybrids. We are not the same species from 100,000 BCE. Hell, sub-saharan black people in different parts of africa are different hybrids than white europeans, and the same goes for different asian ethnicities. Why? Because they each have different human ancestor mixes.

We are covered under the same identifier of Homo Sapiens Sapiens because we are all similar enough to meet the basic requirements. Give it another few dozen millennia and that might not be the case.