The psychiatrist, Thomas Szasz, wrote a book called The Myth of Mental Illness, which is about this specific topic.
He also talked about how contributing factors in a patient's life would be ignored by medical professionals in favor of wholly pharmaceutical treatment. For example, someone with depression may work for a terrible, draining job.
Sometimes I wonder if "Soviet abuse of psychiatry" was not abuse at all, but simply the nature of psychiatry itself.
The ruling regime at any time will stigmatize any sentiment that it does not like as some sort of mental illness.
The psychiatrist, Thomas Szasz, wrote a book called The Myth of Mental Illness, which is about this specific topic.
He also talked about how contributing factors in a patient's life would be ignored by medical professionals in favor of wholly pharmaceutical treatment. For example, someone with depression may work for a terrible, draining job.
Psychiatry is a system of pseudo-scientific psychological abuse designed to keep the plebs aligned with and contributing to the regime.