this... doesn't seem like a big deal to me? today's adults are already being targeted with content that was previously considered childish. and they are actively seeking out this kind of entertainment. why would you not try and market to them with something they enjoy?
if you visit this place you probably have manchild hobbies, me included. and I'm not saying "there's nothing wrong with being a manchild" (hell no) but should you really be judging other people about this matter?
this... doesn't seem like a big deal to me? today's adults are already being targeted with content that was previously considered childish. and they are actively seeking out this kind of entertainment. why would you not try and market to them with something they enjoy?
if you visit this place you probably have manchild hobbies, me included. and I'm not saying "there's nothing wrong with being a manchild" (hell no) but should you really be judging other people about this matter?