Formula is 2 letters followed by aquarium. They are also labeled as businesses but aren't on tax or copyright records. Also all shows random houses with stars out front on google maps. Logo and yard signs associated with shady CS (clearstar) site. Hawaii aquarium pictures include a child being flashed ( originally found in thread 20)
Discoveries of "XX Bullring" have emerged (ex. YK bullring) and "XX brothel" follows same pattern of weird stars and two letters.
Post Removed: Don't be posting random people's addresses on the site, especially when we know that Leftists and Feds use shit like this to justify a harsh crackdown because of claims of harassment. If you want to speculate about this stuff take it somewhere else.
Originally found here:
What does chinese have to do with an address in Ohio? Can you at least give some context to what you post?
Had no idea what this was about, here's the alleged context -
Pol archive [1] -
I'm sorry, did I miss a memo?
Seems suspicious.
Surely you would find thousands of strange houses across the country if you look.
Post Removed: Don't be posting random people's addresses on the site, especially when we know that Leftists and Feds use shit like this to justify a harsh crackdown because of claims of harassment. If you want to speculate about this stuff take it somewhere else.