Guy, heavy Crystal Meth use can cause early onset, aggressive dementia (and worse) at 50. At which point the state has to care for them for thirty years. You can't fix that.
Sniffing solvents (glue, chroming paint, etc) is worse.
For you to not have a massive social cost of self-destructive behavior, you either need medical execution of these cases, or you need to end public funding for the old and venerable.
I don't want either of those things. Do you?
"Sorry kids. Grandpa has to get put down because he was a pack a day smoker, and he is going to take five years to die of very expensive lung cancer. It is his own fault."
Guy, heavy Crystal Meth use can cause early onset, aggressive dementia (and worse) at 50. At which point the state has to care for them for thirty years. You can't fix that.
Sniffing solvents (glue, chroming paint, etc) is worse.
For you to not have a massive social cost of self-destructive behavior, you either need medical execution of these cases, or you need to end public funding for the old and venerable.
I don't want either of those things. Do you?
"Sorry kids. Grandpa has to get put down because he was a pack a day smoker, and he is going to take five years to die of very expensive lung cancer. It is his own fault."