Together with supremereader (which is looking like a twitter shill at this time, refusing archives or proxies), I've seen you post a lot of twitter links, and not include a nitter link. Please consider doing so, because not everyone can view twitter links (those without accounts sometimes, and sometimes those with a non-chrom-like browser), and it gives them clicks and views. Nitter shows it as it is, while also deprives the woke of relevance.
Together with supremereader (which is looking like a twitter shill at this time, refusing archives or proxies), I've seen you post a lot of twitter links, and not include a nitter link. Please consider doing so, because not everyone can view twitter links (those without accounts sometimes, and sometimes those with a non-chrom-like browser), and it gives them clicks and views. Nitter shows it as it is, while also deprives the woke of relevance.