After a quick search to figure out where you got this silly idea that Carlos Slim runs NYT, class A stocks are publicly traded and account for 85% of ownership but only 30% of votes. Slim owns enough class A to make him the largest shareholder with 17% of the company, which gives a whopping 6% voting control. The other 15% of shares is class B with 70% of the votes, which comprises the entirety of the Ochs-Sulzberger Family Trust's 13% shares giving them 60% of the vote.
Gee I wonder.
You know, for all my flaws, I don't say obvious lies that can be disproven easily.
He's talking about the Sulzbergers who have controlled the NYT since Aldolph Ochs bought it in 1896.
The CEO is a woman and the owner is a Christian. This is such a stretch.
After a quick search to figure out where you got this silly idea that Carlos Slim runs NYT, class A stocks are publicly traded and account for 85% of ownership but only 30% of votes. Slim owns enough class A to make him the largest shareholder with 17% of the company, which gives a whopping 6% voting control. The other 15% of shares is class B with 70% of the votes, which comprises the entirety of the Ochs-Sulzberger Family Trust's 13% shares giving them 60% of the vote.