Commie anime is roughly where Jap anime was circa the late 80's, in that it they've reached the point where everything looks cool and sexy, but it's not crazy yet.
i saw a Chinese metroidvania game. It looks exactly like the sort of game that Japanese used to make years ago , yet i cant even trust Japanese to make such a thing anymore .
The only thing i wouldnt trust when it comes to Chinese is probably if they were depicting Japan in some way , like in Genshin impact and inazuma which was very obviously trying to push the idea that "Japan was a racist country that needs to change and accept outsiders'"
Called it.
Time to start watching Chinese media. It'll unironically be less communistic.
Commie anime is roughly where Jap anime was circa the late 80's, in that it they've reached the point where everything looks cool and sexy, but it's not crazy yet.
i saw a Chinese metroidvania game. It looks exactly like the sort of game that Japanese used to make years ago , yet i cant even trust Japanese to make such a thing anymore .
The only thing i wouldnt trust when it comes to Chinese is probably if they were depicting Japan in some way , like in Genshin impact and inazuma which was very obviously trying to push the idea that "Japan was a racist country that needs to change and accept outsiders'"
Speaking of Genshin Impact, I will never not laugh at how they chose to make the 'Chinese' people way taller than everyone else.
The most hilarious projection of their own insecurities I have ever seen.
Do you recall the name? I'm always looking for good metroidvanias to play.