Blacks and whites both had "somebody" whispering in their ear that integration was the way to go. But it doesn't work. I don't believe that blacks are better off as one of many minorities in a country with no culture clearly in charge. I think it's going to go worse and worse until you do have more people calling for separation. Because the economic situation isn't the whole of it. Blacks are suffering for being required to obey white rules, and they will suffer under Hispanic and Asian rules, too. We can all just sit here resenting each other, waiting for the order that makes the country worth living to collapse, or we can figure out how to reorganize ourselves.
Blacks and whites both had "somebody" whispering in their ear that integration was the way to go. But it doesn't work. I don't believe that blacks are better off as one of many minorities in a country with no culture clearly in charge. I think it's going to go worse and worse until you do have more people calling for separation. Because the economic situation isn't the whole of it. Blacks are suffering for being required to obey white rules, and they will suffer under Hispanic and Asian rules, too. We can all just sit here resenting each other, waiting for the order that makes the country worth living to collapse, or we can figure out how to reorganize ourselves.