Which one, "they're going to take away our sacred beaurocracy only from our dead cold hands"?
I once worked in a Polish tax office as an archivist, it wasn't a bad job (poorly paid but not hard) but all this stupidly needless paperwork was just beyond ridiculous. All you should really need is just (very safe) computer systems doing things automatically.
I'm for Ukraine winning this but you can't be so biased as not to see how having AI controlled courts and no cache going to be very easily abused against the people. I can guarantee this will also have a fast track immigration policy and government quotas at the very least.
That will be a Canada on steroids while Ukraine will be cheering it on still happy from their victory.
I did say this before, Ukraine is making a deal with the devil here.
On the upside, leftists are great at destabilization but horrible at implementing working systems.
They also have to work against Ukrainian corruption getting in the way.
So with a bit of luck they will win and the great reset will fail miserably.
You've showed it me at the time
Imagine the world without bureaucracy, stomping on the paper work, forever.
If we only could achieve the Bureaupunk utopia of Terry Gilliam's Brazil somehow.
The future of Ukraine is straight out of one of the worst theories about the Great Reset.
They are not fighting for their freedom. They are fighting over who will be their master.
Which one, "they're going to take away our sacred beaurocracy only from our dead cold hands"?
I once worked in a Polish tax office as an archivist, it wasn't a bad job (poorly paid but not hard) but all this stupidly needless paperwork was just beyond ridiculous. All you should really need is just (very safe) computer systems doing things automatically.
Did you watch the video? AI courts is an absolutely crazy idea, ripe for abuse.
I'm for Ukraine winning this but you can't be so biased as not to see how having AI controlled courts and no cache going to be very easily abused against the people. I can guarantee this will also have a fast track immigration policy and government quotas at the very least.
That will be a Canada on steroids while Ukraine will be cheering it on still happy from their victory.
I did say this before, Ukraine is making a deal with the devil here.
On the upside, leftists are great at destabilization but horrible at implementing working systems. They also have to work against Ukrainian corruption getting in the way. So with a bit of luck they will win and the great reset will fail miserably.
Remains to be seen.