It pleases me that Reddit in French translates to "ce site de marde".
I always thought "shit" translated to "merde" in French. Is "marde" some sort of conjugation?
Disappointing to hear that American and Anglo-Canadian BS trans politics has also infected and taken over Francophone culture and spaces.
Quebec culture sometimes has some history of being somewhat resistant and based towards infiltration, such as banning hijabs for government employees and just generally trying to preserve their own culture against invaders.
It pleases me that Reddit in French translates to "ce site de marde".
I always thought "shit" translated to "merde" in French. Is "marde" some sort of conjugation?
Disappointing to hear that American and Anglo-Canadian BS trans politics has also infected and taken over Francophone culture and spaces.
Quebec culture sometimes has some history of being somewhat resistant and based towards infiltration, such as banning hijabs for government employees and just generally trying to preserve their own culture against invaders.
Much obliged.
Thank you for the in-depth breakdown.