Black Americans are full of hatred and anger towards whites (and pretty much everyone who isn't black enough). All their "art" is about indulging in violence, hedonism, and hatred. Their entire culture is about endless venting against everyone responsible for their victimhood and whoever else dissed them that week. And yet I'm expected to believe that if one were to become king, he would willfully risk his very life and soul against the ultimate evil, have "the hands of healer," and rule humanity justly afterward? Well, maybe if he was Thomas Sowell, but we all know that's not who these artists were thinking of when they drew this trash.
Black Americans are full of hatred and anger towards whites (and pretty much everyone who isn't black enough). All their "art" is about indulging in violence, hedonism, and hatred. Their entire culture is about endless venting against everyone responsible for their victimhood and whoever else dissed them that week. And yet I'm expected to believe that if one were to become king, he would willfully risk his very life and soul against the ultimate evil, have "the hands of healer," and rule humanity justly afterward? Well, maybe if he was Thomas Sowell, but we all know that's not who these artists were thinking of when they drew this trash.