You're a fool if you don't see the NWO is going to finish him this time, even if it just keeps him from running. A massive overreach of a FORMER PRESIDENT that is unprecedented.
Quit jerking off with memes kids, and start stepping back and taking the big picture in.
NWO is in full control. No election of import will ever matter again.
Feed me your blackpill.
If they are in full control, why would they need to be so deceitful? Why delay this? If the fix is in, they could theoretically execute Trump with impunity tonight, couldn't they?
I don't waste my energy trying to 'influence' anyone anymore. I know what I know, and Covid showed me we have a lot more useful idiots than I ever imagined, and the NWO saw it to. And that is why they have the pedal to the metal. WOO-HOO! No brakes on taking this country into the shitter now!
And you went to an extreme of executing him. They still need to sell it to the masses and what they have done is pretty extreme for the masses. Raiding a President's domain
For all you virgins out there, instead of trying to school me on your examples, maybe you should open your mind to what I'm laying down.
The country is fucked. Arm up, if you care to, and be prepared to give your life so someone younger doesn't have to. Although, at this point, I'm not sure I should waste my life for the retarded generations below me.
It doesn't matter as I don't believe there is any other outcome at this point than the country burning to the ground or everyone becoming slaves over time, like the frog in the pot.
I still can't believe the number of dumbasses that think this is all a Democrat thing. The R's in D.C. are in the globalist uniparty. You idiots listen to words. I look at actions. Over decades.
Did you morons not see all the past Presidents and wives hugging, in their anti-Trump hugfest, including the Bushes? Did you stupid motherfuckers not see how all the top R's in D.C. bailed on Trump every time it mattered? Did you mentally challenged fucktards not notice when Fox News, top to bottom, including your favorite douche Tucker Carlson, bailed on him?
Jesus Fucking Christ (JFC) you cunts exasperate me so, because you NEVER... CONNECT... THE DOTS!
You're so fucking vocal and you think you know so much.. but you are so infantile in what you actually know and believe.
And that is because you have hope. And you have hope for good reasons. But hope skews clarity of vision. And we are far past where having 'hope' was close enough.
Your case would be more digestible without all the insults.
"Morons," "stupid motherfuckers" . . . just calm down there sarge, and maybe we can hash this NWO stuff out.
There is clearly a movement afoot to destroy the Teflon Don, probably a coalition of expedience between the rank-and-file TDS contingent, his political opponents in both parties, and deep state bureaucrats worried about his disruption of their established way of running the country.
Whatever the reality of the situation, your urgency is warranted, but your tone makes arriving at a clear consensus from which to act more difficult.
Also, all you betas have been trained to use 'insults', 'swear words' and 'in your face' arguments to dismiss arguments, instead of actually processing them.
They've been neutering you all for years so you're ready to bend over.
Start manning up, bitches, and preparing.
Start by not playing 'Dress-Up Barbie' in video games, and wanking it to anime, you fucking pussies.
You're a fool if you don't see the NWO is going to finish him this time, even if it just keeps him from running. A massive overreach of a FORMER PRESIDENT that is unprecedented.
Quit jerking off with memes kids, and start stepping back and taking the big picture in.
NWO is in full control. No election of import will ever matter again.
Feed me your blackpill.
If they are in full control, why would they need to be so deceitful? Why delay this? If the fix is in, they could theoretically execute Trump with impunity tonight, couldn't they?
I don't waste my energy trying to 'influence' anyone anymore. I know what I know, and Covid showed me we have a lot more useful idiots than I ever imagined, and the NWO saw it to. And that is why they have the pedal to the metal. WOO-HOO! No brakes on taking this country into the shitter now!
And you went to an extreme of executing him. They still need to sell it to the masses and what they have done is pretty extreme for the masses. Raiding a President's domain
For all you virgins out there, instead of trying to school me on your examples, maybe you should open your mind to what I'm laying down.
The country is fucked. Arm up, if you care to, and be prepared to give your life so someone younger doesn't have to. Although, at this point, I'm not sure I should waste my life for the retarded generations below me.
It doesn't matter as I don't believe there is any other outcome at this point than the country burning to the ground or everyone becoming slaves over time, like the frog in the pot.
I still can't believe the number of dumbasses that think this is all a Democrat thing. The R's in D.C. are in the globalist uniparty. You idiots listen to words. I look at actions. Over decades.
Did you morons not see all the past Presidents and wives hugging, in their anti-Trump hugfest, including the Bushes? Did you stupid motherfuckers not see how all the top R's in D.C. bailed on Trump every time it mattered? Did you mentally challenged fucktards not notice when Fox News, top to bottom, including your favorite douche Tucker Carlson, bailed on him?
Jesus Fucking Christ (JFC) you cunts exasperate me so, because you NEVER... CONNECT... THE DOTS!
You're so fucking vocal and you think you know so much.. but you are so infantile in what you actually know and believe.
And that is because you have hope. And you have hope for good reasons. But hope skews clarity of vision. And we are far past where having 'hope' was close enough.
Your case would be more digestible without all the insults.
"Morons," "stupid motherfuckers" . . . just calm down there sarge, and maybe we can hash this NWO stuff out.
There is clearly a movement afoot to destroy the Teflon Don, probably a coalition of expedience between the rank-and-file TDS contingent, his political opponents in both parties, and deep state bureaucrats worried about his disruption of their established way of running the country.
Whatever the reality of the situation, your urgency is warranted, but your tone makes arriving at a clear consensus from which to act more difficult.
Also, all you betas have been trained to use 'insults', 'swear words' and 'in your face' arguments to dismiss arguments, instead of actually processing them.
They've been neutering you all for years so you're ready to bend over.
Start manning up, bitches, and preparing.
Start by not playing 'Dress-Up Barbie' in video games, and wanking it to anime, you fucking pussies.
Wank it to Nina Hartley, like a man.