The answer is obvious: They are freer. There are attempts, ongoing attempts, to change that fact, but for the moment, even if Trudeau is on record saying "I admire China's dictatorship", they've not reached that point yet.
As for "corrupt", corruption is literally a part of everyday life for all Chinese citizens. Common lifestyle questions like "should I toss some money into the stock market for a lark?" literally require assessing the current corruption levels since their government controls the valuation of their stock market and alters it specifically to fuck over political adversaries, regardless of actual fiscal value of companies involved.
Canada has PM Blackface giving mega-contracts to close personal friends. USA has Biden Jr taking 10% for the big guy. And both manipulate their personal little armies to mess with their direct political opposition. But they don't drag the rest of the country into their personal feuds, not yet at least.
The answer is obvious: They are freer. There are attempts, ongoing attempts, to change that fact, but for the moment, even if Trudeau is on record saying "I admire China's dictatorship", they've not reached that point yet.
As for "corrupt", corruption is literally a part of everyday life for all Chinese citizens. Common lifestyle questions like "should I toss some money into the stock market for a lark?" literally require assessing the current corruption levels since their government controls the valuation of their stock market and alters it specifically to fuck over political adversaries, regardless of actual fiscal value of companies involved.
Canada has PM Blackface giving mega-contracts to close personal friends. USA has Biden Jr taking 10% for the big guy. And both manipulate their personal little armies to mess with their direct political opposition. But they don't drag the rest of the country into their personal feuds, not yet at least.
How long do you think this answer will stand for?