I wouldn't call this "working", I would call this "making the best of a bad situation".
We should have police forces with monopolies on violence (with specific exceptions) because inter-personal violence is a bad way to resolve disagreements (as many in the video can now attest, if they can still speak).
But, if police forces are so weak/corrupt that the law isn't reliable, this is the correction. It will get worse, with random bikers being run over for example, until people start to insist on competent police forces and build them up again.
Whaddaya know?
Turns out community policing does work.
I wouldn't call this "working", I would call this "making the best of a bad situation".
We should have police forces with monopolies on violence (with specific exceptions) because inter-personal violence is a bad way to resolve disagreements (as many in the video can now attest, if they can still speak).
But, if police forces are so weak/corrupt that the law isn't reliable, this is the correction. It will get worse, with random bikers being run over for example, until people start to insist on competent police forces and build them up again.
I dont think this happen after but it always been the case in Brazil