Someone post that picture from early GamerGate about how introducing OUTSIDE WOMEN to your hobby who weren't there with you since day 1 will coopt your hobby and make things go to shit.
These outsider women you bring into your hobby to "expand the base" or to bring more people into your interest makes things go to shit. Funny thing? If you have those one or two girls who are "one of the bros" - you know EXACTLY who I am talking about, the OG types who don't give a shit about any of this feminist shit and will also autistically argue with you about whether Super Mario Bros 3 was the best Mario game vs. World vs. 64, these outsider women WILL push these girls out.
Ironically because those few women were the ones who were ostracized BY these outsider mean girl types. They never fit in the first place because those rare girls who were actually just as autistic as we were about vidya were bullied by these fuckers.
Someone post that picture from early GamerGate about how introducing OUTSIDE WOMEN to your hobby who weren't there with you since day 1 will coopt your hobby and make things go to shit.
These outsider women you bring into your hobby to "expand the base" or to bring more people into your interest makes things go to shit. Funny thing? If you have those one or two girls who are "one of the bros" - you know EXACTLY who I am talking about, the OG types who don't give a shit about any of this feminist shit and will also autistically argue with you about whether Super Mario Bros 3 was the best Mario game vs. World vs. 64, these outsider women WILL push these girls out.
Ironically because those few women were the ones who were ostracized BY these outsider mean girl types. They never fit in the first place because those rare girls who were actually just as autistic as we were about vidya were bullied by these fuckers.