I live in a blue shithole and I'm looking to get out. It's still a step above Commieforina but the writing is on the wall. We're going to be a mini San Francisco 20 years ago from now. It should go without saying that I don't vote blue now and I sure as shit won't start when I flee this dystopia.
I'm looking for suggestions on where to move to. Good gun laws and a reasonable cost of living (especially in real estate) are the two big things I'm looking for. I'm planning to work remotely so I won't need to stay where the work is if things go to plan. Ideally I'd buy a plot of land in the middle of nowhere and build on it, but my need for internet access will restrict how far away from the nonsense I can get. I suspect parts the South would be a good cultural fit as long as they're okay with me not being actively religious, but I don't deal with heat and humidly very well.
Join an uncucked church anyway and show up once a week. The connections and relationships are a big deal. And the commies hate it.
Stop being a pussy and maybe lose some weight. Humans are built to acclimate. Dont limit yourself because of petty shit. Also air conditioning exists.
How to find one? I'm in a southern state and can't seem to find anything except jew lovers.
gotta shop around and that might mean sucking up some driving distance for a more rural location
also have to compromise a bit, even if it isn't 100% in synch with your personal values its still a good networking opportunity
True. I've gotta compromise a bit