4Chan/pol/ users are posting photos, documents, voicemails and iMessages from backups of multiple Hunter Biden's devices.
Some of the data appears to be legit. Here's a video of Biden arguing with some chick over the weight of a bag of crack:
More info at 4Chan/pol/ and https://twitter.com/hashtag/4chan
Magnet data dump here: <REMOVED>
EDIT: Removed magnet link to avoid getting people in trouble by downloading potentially illegal pornographic content in those backup files.
As much as I'd hate to see anyone's life ruined for just trying to get the straight facts, it would be interesting to take to trial the argument that since Hunter has not been arrested associated with the production of CP, it's impossible for his files to be considered CP.
If there was actual justice in the world, it might be worth taking one for the team, but you know the auditor would be arrested and Hunter would get to smoke a few more rocks before his next "art" auction.
Nobility has different rules nothing will ever touch him, He could walk out into the street and shoot a guy it would all just get cleaned up.