Because no sane man could stand around for 90 minutes ignoring that sound?
Adult men, armed and shielded, stand feet away listening to innocent children being slaughtered. Not a single pair of balls between the fifteen-plus of them and zero instinct to protect. They got into this job to pull people over for not wearing seatbelts or doing 30 in a 25 and collect a taxpayer-funded paycheck, retire in 20 years, and live off their taxpayer-funded pension. The parents of these murdered children will be paying their retirement. I cannot imagine being a parent, spouse, or child of these invertebrates. They are a disgrace to humankind. Cowards.
It is STILL heavily censored.
“We have censored children screaming” - why?
Because no sane man could stand around for 90 minutes ignoring that sound?
Adult men, armed and shielded, stand feet away listening to innocent children being slaughtered. Not a single pair of balls between the fifteen-plus of them and zero instinct to protect. They got into this job to pull people over for not wearing seatbelts or doing 30 in a 25 and collect a taxpayer-funded paycheck, retire in 20 years, and live off their taxpayer-funded pension. The parents of these murdered children will be paying their retirement. I cannot imagine being a parent, spouse, or child of these invertebrates. They are a disgrace to humankind. Cowards.
They aren’t cowards. They are something worst if they can stand and listen to that. These are demons.
There is only one, proper response to demons