I was watching either a Nerdrotic or Drinker group stream and they were talking about comic books and someone jokingly said that chicks ruined comics. I was wondering, did that phrase start with comic books or gaming? Obviously there have always been women into these hobbies but as we all know the rabid feminists who enter these spaces seem to be bothered by the fact that men enjoy something. Or Anita Sarkeesian whining about how females look in games and stupid companies that take her seriously.
Probably one of the best examples of it was when someone showed me a tweet from Marvel doing a workshop for getting girls into comic books. Someone got attacked by twitter weirdos for simply asking why not just do a workshop for boys and girls and questioning the obsession with getting girls into hobbies that generally appeal to guys.
But anyway, did that saying start with comic books?
Society collectively pretending that women are exactly the same as men is one of the biggest fuck ups in all of human history, change my mind.
Also incredibly hypocritical, since you're not actually allowed to treat women like men, you're just supposed to pretend there's no difference, while still treating them like women.