They wouldn't. Feminist parades are rife with women being proud of being sluts, and that prostitution should be legal, and not to shame one who works as a prostitute.
Alot of these "sex positive feminists" defend pornography, prostitution, and freedom of degeneracy, yet will hypocriticaly slander men as sexist for finding something sexually attractive by using objectification theory as an excuse.
If someone uses objectification theory as an excuse to call someone sexist, they deserve to be arrested for defamation and promoting extremism.
They wouldn't. Feminist parades are rife with women being proud of being sluts, and that prostitution should be legal, and not to shame one who works as a prostitute.
Feminists support all of those things until they think about a straight white man enjoying it.
Alot of these "sex positive feminists" defend pornography, prostitution, and freedom of degeneracy, yet will hypocriticaly slander men as sexist for finding something sexually attractive by using objectification theory as an excuse.
If someone uses objectification theory as an excuse to call someone sexist, they deserve to be arrested for defamation and promoting extremism.