Remember that baby has to be raised by a ten year old, and whoever’s raising the ten year old (or goes for adoption), that baby who’s very likely to be raised in an environment that resents it because it was forced upon the mother, and in 18 years, result in a maladjusted member of society, something you see all the time these days.
Remember that baby has to be raised by a ten year old, and whoever’s raising the ten year old (or goes for adoption), that baby who’s very likely to be raised in an environment that resents it because it was forced upon the mother, and in 18 years, result in a maladjusted member of society, something you see all the time these days.
So lets kill the baby instead because you imagine he might not grow up under ideal conditions?
The wait-list for adoption of a healthy child was, last I had reason to check, almost two years long.
The parents of that girl can place the baby in the arms of an eager, loving family the day after delivery if they choose.