Is it just me or does it feel like a shitload of stuff happened in the past 4 months?
I am convinced the Biden administration is practicing accelerationism at this point. Feels like a fucking slog that we have to deal with 4 months of this shit until we can at least cockblock them.
Yes, yes, I know... stealing the election, "fortificaiton", etc. There's been several strong wins the past month for the right-populists, but I understand your black pill about this shit.
For me I just want the bleeding to stop and give us some fucking breathing room, but the Biden administration is trying so damn hard to shove as much retarded shit through.
It always makes me wonder who his handlers are. Who is feeding him all this far left bullshit to pass that 6 years ago wasnt even his fucking platform?
I'm just always shocked at how short of a time it is that the Biden regime has been in power. It feels like's like a year and halfish.
So I don't think it's this last four months specifically, everything is just slogging like hell, because they're fucking up so much stuff, so fast...and intentionally.
This is worse than all but the most radical doomsayers could have predicted from a Biden presidency.
The globalists. This is more globalist bullshit. WEF, and the like. Biden regime is in lockstep with all the other major globalist organizations.