Humans by nature are sluts (men and women). Claiming you can control that is like the early Soviets who believed mankind would actually evolve to a higher form once communism was enacted.
Saying that humans are naturally sluts does NOT mean we should glorify and promote it, just that it is what it is.
The whole point of human consciousness is that we have higher levels of control than beasts. The people who can't control themselves are the weakest of us all.
I 100% agree with you! Ever read/seen Dune? I love the idea of what "human" means there.
We can have religion promoting morality, abstinence outside of marriage, heterosexuality, etc. We can have laws that punish adultery, homosexuality, etc. Despite all these, that stuff still goes on.
Humans by nature are sluts (men and women). Claiming you can control that is like the early Soviets who believed mankind would actually evolve to a higher form once communism was enacted.
Saying that humans are naturally sluts does NOT mean we should glorify and promote it, just that it is what it is.
The whole point of human consciousness is that we have higher levels of control than beasts. The people who can't control themselves are the weakest of us all.
I 100% agree with you! Ever read/seen Dune? I love the idea of what "human" means there.
We can have religion promoting morality, abstinence outside of marriage, heterosexuality, etc. We can have laws that punish adultery, homosexuality, etc. Despite all these, that stuff still goes on.