A few of these points, to me, might be mistaking cause and effect, when they're likely both effects from the same cause.
Having an abortion doesn't make a teen commit suicide 10x more often, but rather, the type of teen who is likely to have no value to the sanctity of life and hate themselves will more likely be one "requiring" an abortion. Likewise with mental health issues: A woman who miraculously has surpassed the lowest bar of self control of "at least use a singular form of some type of birth control if you don't want a kid but MUST have sex immediately" is going to be much, much more likely to be mentally stable than one that cannot surmount that truly impossible obstacle.
Likewise, people who make the idiotic decision to willfully poison themselves for entertainment are, freeballing this here it's just a guess, more likely to engage in other risky activities that may not be the most intelligent choices. Preventing the one isn't likely to prevent the other, they're both sourced from the fact the surveyed respondant has no sense of personal responsibility, security, pride, or consequence.
Maybe, I've also considered the substance abuse angle to perhaps correlate with the very same kind of fool that would end up getting one.
Though, by direct female testamony in my life - that guilt 100% exists.
I mean, for fucksake - women get postpartum depression after transitioning from breast to bottle feeding and no one even denies that, but legit losing your child in an extremely invasive proceedure somehow isn't even blinked at.
A few of these points, to me, might be mistaking cause and effect, when they're likely both effects from the same cause.
Having an abortion doesn't make a teen commit suicide 10x more often, but rather, the type of teen who is likely to have no value to the sanctity of life and hate themselves will more likely be one "requiring" an abortion. Likewise with mental health issues: A woman who miraculously has surpassed the lowest bar of self control of "at least use a singular form of some type of birth control if you don't want a kid but MUST have sex immediately" is going to be much, much more likely to be mentally stable than one that cannot surmount that truly impossible obstacle.
Likewise, people who make the idiotic decision to willfully poison themselves for entertainment are, freeballing this here it's just a guess, more likely to engage in other risky activities that may not be the most intelligent choices. Preventing the one isn't likely to prevent the other, they're both sourced from the fact the surveyed respondant has no sense of personal responsibility, security, pride, or consequence.
Maybe, I've also considered the substance abuse angle to perhaps correlate with the very same kind of fool that would end up getting one.
Though, by direct female testamony in my life - that guilt 100% exists.
I mean, for fucksake - women get postpartum depression after transitioning from breast to bottle feeding and no one even denies that, but legit losing your child in an extremely invasive proceedure somehow isn't even blinked at.