You've misinterpreted that statement. Here's a translation:
It's biased against our narrative and doesn't provide our viewpoint exclusively.
Feel free to replace our with whatever your preferred label is for the enemy, e.g. the feminist narrative, the globalist narrative, the masonic narrative, the jewish narrative, the lizard people narrative, the inter-dimensional demon alien narrative, the ancient all encompassing darkness spewing forth through the pyramids from the depths of the hollow-earth-flat-sun narrative.
You've misinterpreted that statement. Here's a translation:
Feel free to replace our with whatever your preferred label is for the enemy, e.g. the feminist narrative, the globalist narrative, the masonic narrative, the jewish narrative, the lizard people narrative, the inter-dimensional demon alien narrative, the ancient all encompassing darkness spewing forth through the pyramids from the depths of the hollow-earth-flat-sun narrative.