As much as the post-war constitution is pozzed it still has the freedom of expression clause and im pretty God damn sure this violates that clause.
Japanese Constitution’s Chapter III, Article 21:
Freedom of assembly and association as well as speech, press and all other forms of expression are guaranteed. No censorship shall be maintained, nor shall the secrecy of any means of communication be violated.
(Of course this clause is a double edged sword obviously originally meant to allow commies to do shit behind the scenes after the war since Imperial Japan used to jail commies, but the point still stands.)
The victim needs to demand that thing get tested, and then escalate the charges from assault to attempted murder if he's got anything terminal (though I wouldn't be against euthanasia in this sub-creature's case.)
Japan was a shit hole since WW2 and it continues to be a shit hole to this very day. They've been on my "don't visit this shit hole" list that China and North Korea, occupy the whole time
Women use an emotional argument to push for extreme censorship. I'm sure this is just the start for them.
O well, Japan had a good run.
As much as the post-war constitution is pozzed it still has the freedom of expression clause and im pretty God damn sure this violates that clause.
(Of course this clause is a double edged sword obviously originally meant to allow commies to do shit behind the scenes after the war since Imperial Japan used to jail commies, but the point still stands.)
The victim needs to demand that thing get tested, and then escalate the charges from assault to attempted murder if he's got anything terminal (though I wouldn't be against euthanasia in this sub-creature's case.)
Japan was a shit hole since WW2 and it continues to be a shit hole to this very day. They've been on my "don't visit this shit hole" list that China and North Korea, occupy the whole time