I cant think of any country more balkanized than US right now, so naturally everything sucks and people become miserable.
Then you have this weasel who uses his clear calm voice to build a narrative where children would be happier off in X (which just so happens to be within his political domain) rather than Y (which just so happens to be within my enemies political domain).
I dunno. Conservatives are happy with their conservative areas and have no plan to move to lefty areas.
Leftists constantly bitch about everything including their own cities which are run entirely by Democrats but still somehow their problems are the result of red voters. So they pack up their shit and move to a slightly less blue area like the outer ring of a big city in a red state.
Oh I'm sure they are. That's why the left refuses to leave the right alone and the false idea of moving to the city to have a good life is being promoted no matter what.
It reminds me of an old adage that I heard once:
There are two kinds of people: those wish to be left alone and those who refuse to leave others alone.
Sounds bullshit to me.
I cant think of any country more balkanized than US right now, so naturally everything sucks and people become miserable.
Then you have this weasel who uses his clear calm voice to build a narrative where children would be happier off in X (which just so happens to be within his political domain) rather than Y (which just so happens to be within my enemies political domain).
I dunno. Conservatives are happy with their conservative areas and have no plan to move to lefty areas.
Leftists constantly bitch about everything including their own cities which are run entirely by Democrats but still somehow their problems are the result of red voters. So they pack up their shit and move to a slightly less blue area like the outer ring of a big city in a red state.
Oh I'm sure they are. That's why the left refuses to leave the right alone and the false idea of moving to the city to have a good life is being promoted no matter what.
It reminds me of an old adage that I heard once: There are two kinds of people: those wish to be left alone and those who refuse to leave others alone.