This is an old article so I included the date in the title for full disclosure and because I have this thing where I have trouble noticing how old articles are even when the date is included. That said if it weren't for the lack of Orange Man Bad and Kung Flu fearmongering there would be nothing out of place about this article in 2022 since they've been regurgitating the same shit for at least a decade.
The article is hot garbage and it really isn't worth reading in full, although I did like the Charles Murray quote. But he's willing to have an honest discussion about race and IQ, so of course a quote from him is a nice dose of sanity in an article full of clown world talking points. But this isn't really about Charles Murray. The relevant part of the article I wanted to bring up is this:
By continuing to see the male role in such constricting terms—as breadwinner or nothing—we are inadvertently contributing to the slow death of marriage in our most disadvantaged communities. Here, the traditional marriage needs to be turned on its head. In many low-income families, it is the mother who has the best chance in the labor market. But this doesn’t make men redundant. It means men need to start doing the “women’s work” of raising kids. Although there is a lingering determinism about parenting and gender roles, recent evidence—in particular from Ohio State University sociologist Douglas B. Downey—suggests that women have no inherent competitive advantage in the parenting stakes.
They're pushing house husband faggotry on the little people, and this is the most brazen advocacy I've seen for feminizing men and making women masculine. You really think women are going to go for this when marriage is just a free meal ticket for them and there's no meal ticket on offer? The men aren't interested either, especially if they haven't been spent 4 years being indoctrinated with gender studies propaganda. They know at a conscious and/or subconscious level that women don't find a man who acts like a woman attractive. The men would be better off gaining marketable skills that would land them a decent paying job. Besides, it's an awful idea to be financially dependent on anyone, especially a woman. Do you really want her to be able to hold that over your head? I really hate to go here, but combined with the "men who do housework are sexy" shtick the feminists push, I really think the push to feminize men is part of a sick fetish. The end result of this is something I can only describe by linking to this post a soon to be Faggit troon made.
This is an old article so I included the date in the title for full disclosure and because I have this thing where I have trouble noticing how old articles are even when the date is included. That said if it weren't for the lack of Orange Man Bad and Kung Flu fearmongering there would be nothing out of place about this article in 2022 since they've been regurgitating the same shit for at least a decade.
The article is hot garbage and it really isn't worth reading in full, although I did like the Charles Murray quote. But he's willing to have an honest discussion about race and IQ, so of course a quote from him is a nice dose of sanity in an article full of clown world talking points. But this isn't really about Charles Murray. The relevant part of the article I wanted to bring up is this:
They're pushing house husband faggotry on the little people, and this is the most brazen advocacy I've seen for feminizing men and making women masculine. You really think women are going to go for this when marriage is just a free meal ticket for them and there's no meal ticket on offer? The men aren't interested either, especially if they haven't been spent 4 years being indoctrinated with gender studies propaganda. They know at a conscious and/or subconscious level that women don't find a man who acts like a woman attractive. The men would be better off gaining marketable skills that would land them a decent paying job. Besides, it's an awful idea to be financially dependent on anyone, especially a woman. Do you really want her to be able to hold that over your head? I really hate to go here, but combined with the "men who do housework are sexy" shtick the feminists push, I really think the push to feminize men is part of a sick fetish. The end result of this is something I can only describe by linking to this post a soon to be Faggit troon made.
But but, muh gender pay gap?
Is sadism a fetish?