I'll start, even though it's more like a rant than an answer.
After boycotting Fortnite over celebrating women's day, I've just been going from game to game through Game Pass, not really finding anything that holds my attention. I tried PUBG, but it doesn't feel the same. I saw F1 22 is coming out, hopefully someone trades theirs in fast so I can get it without funding EA.
I watched State of Play, just to see how the other side of the "console war" lives. What a waste of time that was, a fucking cat simulator? GT7 got three new cars, but none of them are very interesting. Still, it's a little tempting to get a PS4 just to try it.
12 June is Microsoft's Definitely Not E3™ show. Anyone else watching it? I'm expecting FH5's first expansion and Forza Motorsport 2021 2022 2023? to finally get a release date.
I started with Trails in the Sky, gone through all of the first and most of the second. Despite the total look of the game I gave it a shot. For whatever unexplained reason I'll get hooked on it for hours at a time. I'll probably start Cold Steel series later this year, they are much more modern in presentation. There's something about Falcom games that I've gotten in to in that they are like comfort food for me, they aren't necessarily lookers but I always have fun.
If you end up liking Trails, you might try one of the newer Ys games, very under-appreciated series. I never know with a From Software fan though, they are much more button spam hack and slash than the slower Souls combat.
I only played Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but its probably one of the best battle systems I've seen in a JRPG in a long time. Sans the Gacha and some instances of voice acting its overall really solid.
Its in that pit with FFX2 where they hide some of the best gameplay possible in a game a lot of people might cringe over otherwise. Well worth playing after the original, which I'm told is also fantastic.
Trails of Cold Steel is a guilty pleasure of mine. Typical anime romp with a fun battle system and a story where you have to suspend your disbelief and not think about too much. The characters are really the draw, although by the end of the fourth game there are a laughable number of characters that you're expected to remember and care about. I remember one scene where they're all lined up on the bridge of a ship and I actually burst out laughing at how many of them there were.
Loving Elden Ring - I made it to the capital city. Leyendale? Something like that. Still trying to find the next bonfire in there heh.