When did CDPR get corrupted? First women menstrual leave and now this kind of extreme act. The organization they pulled the IP was not pushing anti-abortion but the wife of the owner was an activist. That is a fucked up extreme cancel culture bullshit.
What would be some good key words to search for these pictures? I have a feeling I can already guess what kind of changes happened, but I'd still like to see it for myself.
When did CDPR get corrupted? First women menstrual leave and now this kind of extreme act. The organization they pulled the IP was not pushing anti-abortion but the wife of the owner was an activist. That is a fucked up extreme cancel culture bullshit.
have you seen the two dev team pictures from after they'd released witcher 1 (2?) and after they'd released cyberpunk?
That's how.
What would be some good key words to search for these pictures? I have a feeling I can already guess what kind of changes happened, but I'd still like to see it for myself.
Google: Fat women and niggers