Why are they not protesting not only the US support of literal nazis (aka fascists... whom they claim to hate) but giving them military weaponry and BILLIONS of dollars?
Putin has sided with AntiFa here and claimed that's why he's invaded Ukraine... to stamp out the fascists here...
Like Code Pink of the W Bush era, once the "right" party was in suddenly not only was war ok but war atrocities were ignored and all the anti-war protesters suddenly vanished into the ether...
Why are they not protesting not only the US support of literal nazis (aka fascists... whom they claim to hate) but giving them military weaponry and BILLIONS of dollars?
And where is AntiFa?
Why are they not protesting not only the US support of literal nazis (aka fascists... whom they claim to hate) but giving them military weaponry and BILLIONS of dollars?
Putin has sided with AntiFa here and claimed that's why he's invaded Ukraine... to stamp out the fascists here...
Like Code Pink of the W Bush era, once the "right" party was in suddenly not only was war ok but war atrocities were ignored and all the anti-war protesters suddenly vanished into the ether...