posted ago by TechParadox ago by TechParadox +21 / -0

Pointing out that Gaming "Journalists" will take every chance they can get to make an article about their talking points and not the truth, it's the latest Splash Damage:

This week, Kotaku interviewed an indie developer about how it seems a popular movie copied a scene from his game. Little did this developer know that Kotaku, being Kotaku, would write the article in their typical garbage, race-baiting style, and he called Kotaku out for it. We discuss the whole story along with former Kotaku CEO Stephen Totilo finding out more embarrassing stuff about Activision Blizzard’s ridiculous diversity algorithm and how Twitter employees are basically all commies.
Find the latest episode of Splash Damage on your favorite podcasting app, or click here to stream or here to download. Thanks for listening and your support!

Standard Disclaimer: I'm not Scrivonaut, I'm not associated with the podcast, and I don't get anything out of reposting these from Reddit