posted ago by Bennytehphobic ago by Bennytehphobic +17 / -5

This weekend marks the second-to-last weekend of May, and on Monday, we'll be in the last week before the woke begins to celebrate utter moral degeneracy and calls it "progressive" for an entire month.

I'm not even sure that this is the future the people at Stonewall wanted. All they wanted was to be seen as equal people, not to see a hivemind of sick and paedophilia take form and seemingly take over a number of their kind!

This is why I'm typing this down: I want you to prepare yourselves. Last year, they had a choir singing that they'll convert your children, and this year I dunno what kind of child-preying evil they're gonna pull off. Basically, duck and cover, make an LGBTQ sandwich, show it to actual alphabet idiots on Reddit or Twitter, and get below. And if anyone here is homosexual, bi or even trans, I have to say this:

Happy Pride, people. I just wish we could celebrate loudly, happy, and under better circumstances than what we're seeing today.